Root Canal Treatment/Procedure

Root Canal Treatment/Procedure Services


Endodontic therapy, which is also known as endodontic treatment or root canal therapy, is a treatment for the infected pulp of a tooth which results in the cure of infection and the protection of the decontaminated tooth from any microbial growth in future.

Root canals are the hollows within a tooth that are naturally inhabited by nerve tissue and blood vessels. These items constitute the dental pulp altogether. Endodontic therapy involves the removal of these structures, the shaping, cleaning, and decontamination of the hollows with small files and irrigating solutions, and the fillings of the decontaminated canals. Filling of the cleaned and decontaminated canals is done with an inert filling like gutta-percha and typically a eugenol-based cement. Epoxy resin is also used to bind gutta-percha in some root canal procedures. Endodontics includes both primary and secondary endodontic treatments as well as the surgery.


Before endodontic therapy is carried out, a correct diagnosis of the dental pulp and the surrounding periapical tissues is compulsory. This allows the endodontist to choose the best treatment option according to the issue, allowing the preservation and longevity of the tooth and surrounding tissues. Treatment options for an irreversibly inflamed pulp include either extraction of the tooth or removal of the pulp.

Removing the infected/inflamed pulpal tissue enables the specialist to help preserve the longevity and function of the tooth. The treatment option chosen involves taking into account the expected prognosis of the tooth, as well as the patient’s wishes. A full history is required (which includes the patient's symptoms and medical history), along with a clinical examination (both inside and outside the mouth), and the use of diagnostic tests.

There are several diagnostic tests that should be done before beginning any treatment. These include:
1.Palpation (this is where the tip of the root is felt from the overlying tissues to see if there is any swelling or tenderness present in the tooth)
2.Mobility (if there is more than normal movement of the tooth in the socket)
3.Percussion (TTP, tender to percussion; the tooth is tapped to see to know if there is any tenderness)
4.Transillumination (shining a light through the tooth to check if there are any noticeable fractures)
5.Tooth smooth (this is where the patient is asked to bite down upon a plastic instrument; useful if the patient complains of pain on biting as this can be used to localize the tooth)
7.Dental pulp tests
In the situation that a tooth is considered so threatened (because of decay, cracking, etc.) a pulpectomy (removal of the pulp tissue) is advisable to prevent such infection. Generally, some inflammation or infection is already present within or below the tooth. To cure the infection and to save the tooth, the dentist drills into the pulp chamber and removes the infected pulp and then drills the nerve out of the root canal with hand instruments known as files.


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